
Saturday, August 30, 2014

10 relationship ideas to get the year started!

School starts Tuesday!!!!  As we look forward to meeting our students it is important to start the year strong, creating positive and long lasting relations with our students.  Below you will find 10 suggesting to get the year started:

1.     Morning Circle Time – Many of our teachers have morning meetings to start the school day.  Creating a morning meeting, allowing for students to learn about each other beyond school life, builds a classroom community of genuine respect and rapport.  Daily questions can focus on student backgrounds, culture, interests, events of the weekend, favorite foods/music/movies/games, special events, etc.  Becoming familiar with each other on a deeper level will support student self-awareness and acceptance of differences, which will decrease the likelihood of relationship issues during the school year.  Daily questions can focus on favorite experiences, field trips, project based learning activities, individual/class accomplishment or anything that was unique to your classroom.  

2.     Classroom Motto (start the year strong) – One teacher at our school starts the day by reciting the classroom motto.  He tells the students to push the button on their desk and all student proudly recites together, “feel good about yourself!”  Students truly feel good about themselves… not because they say it… because of the sustained teaching that goes along with saying it, creating a community of students who feel good about themselves.  His students feel good about: being a good classmate/friend, the effort they put into an assignment, learning new vocabulary words, solving problems on their own, being a good son/daughter/sibling, improving their writing skills, understanding their target learning, etc.  It works because it is a consistent approach implemented with empathy and support.  

3.     The Unlikely Student – It is “easy to connect” with students who demand your attention due to an outgoing personality, academic needs, or behavioral problems.  Something to consider, write one student’s name in your plan book each day (those who do not demand your time).  Make sure you are connecting with that child throughout the day by noticing their effort:  “Wow! Johnny did a great job on the writing assignment because he added exceptional detail”… and share those accolades with the class.  Notice things that go beyond school life: new shoes/shirt/haircut, asking about weekend, sporting event, video game, recess, family, etc.  It is important that you have a plan to connect, because if you don’t… the “easy to connect” students will demand that time and the “unlikely” student will not be noticed.

4.     Student Inventory – Look for the uniqueness of each child – Have students fill out a student inventory at the start of the year.  Revisit the student inventory that students provided you throughout the year.  Did anything change?  Student inventory example is below:

·         What do you like to do outside of school?
·         What is your favorite season?
·         List 2 of your favorite foods.
·         List 3 games you like to play.
·         What is your favorite animal, color, sport?
·         List your favorite type of music.
·         Do you like to read? What type of books do you like?
·         List 3 movies you like to watch.
·         Who do you like to play with/why?  Friend, parents, grandparents, sister, brother, other.
·         What is your favorite part of the school day?
·         What is your least favorite part of the school day?
·         What is your favorite special/subject?
Higher level inventory questions:
·         What are your dreams?
·         What do you want to be when you grow up?
·         Who would you consider to be your hero and why?
·         If you had unlimited money and could only use it to help people… who would you help and why?

It will be fun for you and your students to see how they have changed or stayed the same over the school year! 

5.     Positive Proximity – Greet your students each morning with a smile and a friendly hello.  Seems simple because it is!   It is also much better than asking “do you have your homework?”  Be present during independent work, supporting students and noticing their efforts throughout the day.  It is even ok to stop by the cafeteria (gym is where we eat lunch) or even shoot a basket or two during recess, positive proximity doesn't need to stop in the classroom.  The extra 2-3 minutes of positive proximity outside your classroom will enhance the community feeling that you are establishing in your classroom. 

6.     Active Listening  – When we are busy it is easy to send students on their way with a quick response, knowing that you would give a better response if you had the time... we do this as parents too!  Next time try saying this:  “Your question/need/etc. is really important to me and you deserve more time than I can give right now… can you hold on for a few minutes/after lunch/until tomorrow/etc. and I will give you the attention you deserve.”  If you say this with empathy, the child will usually feel validated and will (most likely) wait for your attention… sometimes it gives them time to problem solve on their own. Obviously, don't use this approach if there is an emergency or safety issues. 

7.     Tone of Voice  – Be aware of tone, volume and cadence when teaching and managing your classroom.  Use a softer delivery when managing behaviors and classroom procedures, planning and using nonverbal cues.   Use voice fluctuation, storytelling (instead of lecturing), and suspense during your classroom discussions.  Students will love it!  I have been in a lot of classroom where I did not want to leave because the tone was so engaging.  Your voice can set the relationship tone (positively or negatively) within a classroom.  Charlie Brown’s teachers were funny but I don’t think they were building any relationships with their tone of voice.

8.  “I noticed” notes - How it works:  Simply place post-it notes on student’s desk when they least expect it!

I noticed you finished your project today… nice work with great detail!
I noticed you are being a good friend to Johnny… you are kind!
I noticed you helping Sally with her math at lunch… you are a good friend!
I noticed you put great voice in your writing today… nice focus on our target learning!
I noticed you being a good listener… you rock!
I noticed you asking for help on your assignment… way to take charge of your learning!
I noticed you using "active listening" strategies with Sally during turn and talk… keep it up!

You get the idea!  I would not walk around the room giving “I noticed” notes all day… it could decrease the value.  Use it sparingly, maybe three to five per day and keep track, making sure you are noticing everyone over time.  This also works well with number three from above - The Unlikely Student.  I love this strategy because it provides encouragement and accolades to support a positive relationship between you and your students.  It will also teach students to self-regulate their behaviors, assuming responsibility to academic and social learning.  Students will love it and so will you! 

9.     Humor – It is ok to laugh, smile, and tell an appropriate joke from time to time.  Children want to see us having fun during the start of a school year!  A morning joke can go a long way to support positive feelings.  We have children telling Friday jokes on the morning announcements, it’s a lot of fun!

Q: What did the math book say to the other math book?
A: I have a lot of problems!

I love a good joke and so will your students!
10. Closure to the day and year – Facilitate a reflection discussion at the end of each day, showcasing the academic and social learning that took place.  Give accolades to individuals for positive effort and remember the happy and/or humorous moments during the day… maybe even tell your corny joke again.  Set goals for tomorrow and end the day by saying “be kind to one another,” supporting and modeling the positive feelings you are establishing within your classroom.  Make this a consistent conclusion to your day and they will be eager to return in the morning.

I truly believe that children will not learn from people they do not like or if they do not feel safe within their learning environment.  It is important to make connections that will last a school year.  Watch this inspirational TED Talk by Rita F. Pierson, which showcases the importance of making connections.

TED Talks Education: Rita F. Pierson
Relationships - The Key to Learning
"Kids don't learn from people they don't like!"
"You say it long enough it starts to be a part of you."
"We teach anyway... because that is what we do! We are educators... We are born to make a difference!"
"Every kid needs a champion!"

As the year gets started, I encourage you all to sustain a relationship goal.  Going to a workshop on relationship building might be beneficial but setting a goal, which is maintained over time and a focal point to everything you accomplish, will provide results.  “You say it long enough it starts to be a part of you” and it will be a part of your culture as well. 

Enjoy setting relationship goals to guide and sustain making connections to last the school year and beyond. “Be a champion” for your students!  Please share your thoughts and goals with us!  

Have great start to the school year!!!!


 Rules provided without relationship result in rebellion.
Consequences given without relationship lead to resentment.
Rewards without relationship feel like bribes.

Love and Logic Teacher-isms

Monday, August 4, 2014

Are you ready? Setting Goals and Making Connections to last the school year and beyond!

Back to school is just around the corner!  Are you ready?  This is the time of year when the proverbial slate is wiped clean with the hopes for another amazing year.  It is also when building committees and individuals will be setting goals for the upcoming school year.  Most people have New Year’s Resolutions… We have School Year’s Resolutions.

Throughout each year the School Improvement Committee establishes four specific goals: improving academics, enhancing differentiation, integrating technology, and developing student leaders who take charge of their own learning.  These are sustained goals with action strategies and measurable timelines to generate conversation and improvement for our school and students.  We also commit to additional goals based on the current trends in education, which are building and/or district developed.  Over the years we have concentrated on the following:  Brain Based Learning, Professional Learning Communities, Curriculum Development, Instructional Practices, Differentiation, Multi-Tiered System of Support, Positive Behavior Intervention Support, Standards Base Grading, Technology Integration, Creating Leaders, Reading/Writing/Math Workshop, Professional Growth Process, Project Based Learning, and many more.  When we sustain learning for an entire year, with an intentional focus, it is more likely that the knowledge and implementation will maintain for years to come.  It gives educators a sense of accomplishment and purpose for establishing new initiatives.  The key is to make sure supports and professional development opportunities are provided throughout any goal or initiative, while embarking on all decisions with a basic question:  Is it good for children?

More importantly, educators should commit to a relationship goal each year to sustain a culture of learning where everyone who walks through the school doors believe that they are going to have an amazing experience!  Genuine relationships built on trust will enhance any culture.  This year’s relationship goal will focus on making connections!  District and building professional development and staff meetings will focus on making connections with students and other stakeholders to enhance the learning environment. 

I am fortunate to work with a faculty that views positive relationships as the most important consideration within their classrooms, creating environments where students want to spend their days.  This happens because we have an amazing staff who intentionally builds relationships and genuinely loves educating children.   It also happens because we sustain conversations regarding the importance of relationships throughout our culture and within any new initiative that we establish. 

“A quality teacher-student relationship means more than the combined power of all teaching and discipline techniques known to humankind.”
Love and logic Teacher-ism

I love this quote!  Establishing positive relationships with your students, while creating a community where students have relationships with each other, will truly benefit any classroom atmosphere.  Quality teacher-student and student-student relationships increases effectiveness of classroom management and instruction.  It also makes everyone’s experience more enjoyable.  

As you know, it is extremely important to set a positive culture and climate that will last a school year!  I truly believe that everything comes back to positive relationships.  One way to create a positive relationship is to let your students know that they are safe.  Create a safe classroom from the first day of school by:

·         Setting expectations together:  Allow students to assume some of the responsibility of creating classroom expectations, promoting respectful, responsible, and safe behaviors. 

·         Teaching procedures:  Daily teaching of classroom expectations, rather than relying on rules, will enhance any learning culture. 

·         Being consistent: Students will respond to a teacher that is consistent in daily practice.

·         Communicating in positive terms and be intentional about your teacher tone:  “I listen to one person at a time… thanks – works much better than, BE QUIET!”  Love and Logic Teacher-ism.

·         Remaining competent and calm in challenging moments: Modeling that you are in control of your emotions will showcase to students the appropriate response when handling their own emotions. 

·         Teaching differentiation:  Let students know that everyone gets what they need.  Students need to feel comfortable knowing that everyone has different needs and it is OK.

·         Enjoying teaching with enthusiasm:   Modeling that you love what you do is contagious and students will feel comfort in knowing their teacher loves to learn.

·         Making and responding to mistakes:  Students need to understand that they can be risk takers within the learning process and mistakes are part of learning. 

·         Focusing on teacher proximity:  Be present during independent work, supporting students and noticing their efforts throughout the day.  It is even ok to stop by the cafeteria (gym is where we eat lunch) or even shoot a basket or two during recess, positive proximity doesn't need to stop in the classroom.  The extra 2-3 minutes of positive proximity outside your classroom will enhance the community feeling that you are establishing in your classroom.

·         Encouraging reflection:  When things go wrong, one must encourage reflection rather than scolding for inappropriate behaviors or actions.  Consequences might be necessary; however, make sure students understand that it is the behaviors that you do not like, always showing empathy for the child.

I truly believe that children will not learn from people they do not like or if they do not feel safe within their learning environment.  It is important to make connections that will last a school year.  Watch this inspirational TED Talk by Rita F. Pierson, which showcases the importance of making connections.

TED Talks Education: Rita F. Pierson
Relationships - The Key to Learning
"Kids don't learn from people they don't like!"
"You say it long enough it starts to be a part of you."
"We teach anyway... because that is what we do! We are educators... We are born to make a difference!"
"Every kid needs a champion!"

As the year gets started, I encourage you all to sustain a relationship goal.  Going to a workshop on relationship building might be beneficial but setting a goal, which is maintained over time and a focal point to everything you accomplish, will provide results.  “You say it long enough it starts to be a part of you” and it will be a part of your culture as well. 

Enjoy setting relationship goals to guide and sustain making connections to last the school year and beyond. “Be a champion” for your students!  Please share your thoughts and goals with us!  


 Rules provided without relationship result in rebellion.
Consequences given without relationship lead to resentment.
Rewards without relationship feel like bribes.

Love and Logic Teacher-isms